becoming beloved community
The Beloved Community StorySharing Campaign seeks to help faith communities and individuals to share and receive stories of faith, race, and difference and to become more effective healers, reconcilers, and ambassadors of Christ in the world.

Storytelling is used to persuade and shape understanding. It is generally oneway and perhaps even transactional.
StorySharing is relational. It is telling your story and receiving the stories of others. It is about engagement and connection. The Beloved Community StorySharing Campaign welcomes and equips Episcopalians and our partners to share about faith, race, and difference…
- within your own congregation, to grow faith and deepen relationships
- between episcopal congregations, especially to engage people of different racial, cultural, socioeconomic, educational, geographic or ideological backgrounds
- with friends, neighbors, and civic partners, again with special attention to engaging people who are different from the majority culture in your congregation or personal life
As we develop our skills and capacity for StorySharing, we will become more effective healers, reconcilers, and ambassadors of Christ in the world.